Monday, January 01, 2007 . 3:10 am

2006 has been a period of ups and downs to me. Having been recovered from 1 major set-back of a relationship, I went on to another one & another. Only to get disappointed again. It was a complicated triangle love story. Ended up, I ended with no gfs @ all. Now, single as I can be.
It was a life journey that I wouldn't have take had I know the consequences were so serious. QX, XY & YV, I disappointed all of them. Paid a heavy price for all my mistakes & learnt my lessons. It was not easy for me either. Tried all ways, went out with friends, went to church, everything, to restore my condfidence, my loss, everything. It was a painful process.
Year 2006 also saw me participating in the National Day Parade. I am thankful & honoured to be able to be part of the NDP '06 Show Support Committee. It was a milestone in my life too. Above all these, I must thank God & all my friends for being so merciful & patient with me, for being so encouraging and supportive. It was during all these times of trouble that I began to 'wake up', drew closer to God & reconcile with Him. Without God, I wouldn't be what I am today. All glory to God! Hallalujah!
As the year 2006 began to close, I began to see all the past happenings this year, I saw all the struggles & tribulations that was bestowed upon me, my family, my relationships dat failed & my health. But 1 thing, it drew my family closer to one another & it made me drew closer to God even more & learnt valuable lessons in relationships. This is a miracle!!!
Year 2007 will definitely be a great year ahead. New challenges, new work & new study opportunities. I believe in my destiny that God is gona hold me strong this new year.